US-UK Pact to Tackle Rapid AI Technology Challenges

The United States and the United Kingdom have forged the world’s first bilateral agreement focusing on AI safety and regulation with a Memorandum of Understanding that hopes to mitigate the risks posed by rapid AI developments. A New Agreement The United States and the United Kingdom have just made a landmark agreement centered around advancing … Read more

Rising Climate Concerns Push Home Insurance Rates Higher

Home insurance premiums are soaring across America due to the increased severity and frequency of natural disasters, and some insurance providers are abandoning high-risk states entirely. Surging Insurance Rates Industry experts predict that there will be a massive surge in the average US home insurance premium, with a 6% increase this year, which will culminate … Read more

How Did the Top 1% Gain $50 Trillion During COVID While Many Struggle?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, income inequality in the United States worsened, with a significant wealth transfer upwards, as highlighted by the RAND Corporation’s findings of a $50 trillion shift from American workers to the wealthiest since 1975. The World Inequality Report further revealed that billionaires now own a record 3.5% of global household wealth, exacerbating … Read more

Racial Wealth Gap Widens as White Households Surge Ahead, Black Families Lag

New reports and analysis show that despite significant increases in employment and income during the COVID-19 pandemic, the wealth gap between white, Black, and Hispanic households has also increased. Pandemic Changes There have been many studies on the financial changes that took place throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. One recent report has shown that ongoing trends … Read more

California Fast Food Workers to Earn $20 Per Hour; Execs Warn of Price Hikes

An executive from a major fast food brand has spoken out against California’s recent minimum wage increase, slamming the decision and promising price hikes for food as a result. California Raises Minimum Wage for Some Workers For some fast food employees in the state of California, their paychecks are about to get a nice big … Read more

Who Will Become the First Trillionaire? Musk, Bezos, and Arnault Lead Wealth Race

We’re used to hearing about billionaires and their lavish lifestyles, but get ready for a whole new level of wealth – the trillionaire. Oxfam’s Warning Oxfam, the charity organization fighting against poverty, says we might see the world’s first trillionaire within the next ten years. Billionaire’s Bonus in 2020 Between the years 2020 and 2021, … Read more