Trump Escalates His Anti-Immigration Rhetoric in Campaign Speech, Says Illegal Migrants Are “Not People”

Trump Escalates His Anti-Immigration Rhetoric in Campaign Speech, Says Illegal Migrants Are “Not People” 

Trump’s Immigrant Rhetoric Continues

During a speech at a campaign rally for Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno outside of Dayton, Ohio, former president Donald Trump built on his previous claims that undocumented immigrants had “poisoned” the United States.

This time, he questioned where migrants could be called “people” while addressing the topic of immigration and the death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley – two subjects that have taken center stage in US political discourse. 

“I don’t know if you call them ‘people,’ in some cases,” he said on Saturday. “They’re not people, in my opinion.”

Unsubstantiated Claims

He claimed that other countries, particularly in Latin America, were taking young people out of their prison systems and sending them over the border, a claim which has not been substantiated. This came a few months after he declared that illegal immigrants were “poisoning the blood of the country” during a rally in December. 

Trump doubled down the next day during an appearance on Fox News, where he told interviewer Howard Kurtz, “We have people coming in from prisons and jails, long-term murderers, people with sentences that the rest of their lives they’re going to spend in some jail in some country that many people have never even heard of.”

“They’re all being released into our country,” he continued. His newest controversial comments on immigration were far from the only attention-grabbing remarks from the Republican candidate. 

Dire Warnings

During the speech in Ohio, Trump also warned the crowd that there would be a “bloodbath” if Presiden Biden was elected for a second term.

“If I don´t get elected, it´s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that´s going to be the least of it. It´s going to be a bloodbath for the country,” he said.

The Saturday speech was another example of Trump’s increasingly aggressive push against the Democratic party while on the campaign trail, and the Biden administration wasted no time in responding.

Biden and Harris Respond

The Biden-Harris campaign issued an official response, accusing Trump of wanting to incite “another January 6,” a reference to claims that the former president incited the January 6 attacks on the Capitol building after he lost the 2020 election against Biden.

“[Trump] wants another January 6, but the American people are going to give him another electoral defeat this November because they continue to reject his extremism, his affection for violence, and his thirst for revenge,” the statement read. 

The Biden-Harris campaign pulled no punches, calling Trump “a loser who gets beat by over 7 million votes and then, instead of appealing to a wider mainstream audience, doubles down on his threats of political violence.” 

But Trump has been equally ruthless in his campaign remarks, referring to the ongoing wave of illegal immigration as a “Bidenvasion” and has accused Biden himself of a “conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.” 

Public Officials Speak Out

His recent speech at Bernie Moreno’s campaign event has stirred up debate, with former Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and retired FBI boss Frank Figliuzzi taking to news outlets and social media to condemn the GOP candidate’s statements.

“We just have to win the election, because he’s even predicting a ‘bloodbath’,” Pelosi told CNN. “What does that mean? He’s going to exact a bloodbath? There’s something wrong here.” 

“Trump says if he’s not elected ‘It will be a blood bath for the country’,” Figliuzzi warned on social media. “FYI, if he IS elected, it will also be a blood bath based on his intentions. The choice is as clear as the threat.”

A Hot-Button Issue

The topic of illegal immigration has become a hot-button issue in the last year. The southern US-Mexico border has seen record numbers of migrants unlawfully crossing the border into the country. 

The murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela last month has also raised widespread concerns about immigrant crime.

And in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential elections, it has increasingly become an important campaign topic for Biden and Trump alike.

The post Trump Escalates His Anti-Immigration Rhetoric in Campaign Speech, Says Illegal Migrants Are “Not People” first appeared on Swift Feed.

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