Sunak’s Rwanda Bill Draws International Concern on Human Rights

The United Nations has slammed Sunak’s Rwanda proposal for its human rights breaches. Will Sunak finally cave to the pressure?

UN Calls for Abandonment of Rwanda Scheme

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The United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) has urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to halt his Rwanda scheme.

Rwanda Scheme Explained

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Sunak’s controversial Rwanda scheme aims to deport migrants who came to the country illegally to the African nation of Rwanda.

Proposal Two Years in The Making

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The proposal has come under intense scrutiny, delaying the idea for nearly two years so far due to worries about human rights issues.

Spring Departure Plan

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Matteo Benegiamo

The Prime Minister recently told a crowd in the West Midlands that he hoped to start flights as early as Spring, although recent defeats in the House of Lords suggest otherwise.

UN Urges Sunak to Halt Flights

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JessicaGirvan

The United Nations (UN) has now stepped in on the matter, urging Rishi Sunak to end the proposed Rwanda Bill on the grounds that it violates human rights laws.

Migrant Discrimination

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The UN admitted it was “deeply concerned about the introduction of legislative initiatives containing elements that discriminate against migrants.”

Migrant Rights at Risk

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According to the UN, the Rwanda bill seeks to “limit access to rights for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.”

UN Hits Out At New Bill

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The UN also criticized Sunak’s intentions to pass legislation titled “The Safety of Rwanda Bill,” which intended to prove Rwanda a safe country for migrants.

Sunak Going Against Supreme Court

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The UN slammed Sunak for proposing the new bill “despite the ruling of the UK Supreme Court that the arrangement would not be compliant with international law”.

Is Rwanda a “Safe” Country?

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Tory peers in the House of Lords have been debating with politicians on whether Rwanda is truly a safe country to send illegal migrants after numerous human rights concerns.

Lords Recent Vote

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Lords recently voted for five different amendments in legislation, one of which stated that Rwanda was not safe, issuing a huge blow for Sunak. 

Economic Concerns

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Other concerns include the amount of money Sunak has already spent on the bill and how much he plans to spend per migrant who agrees to go.

British Government Prepared to Pay

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A watchdog report recently revealed that the British government is prepared to pay Rwanda hundreds of thousands of pounds per migrant that gets deported.

Striking a Deal

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The National Audit Office claimed Sunak agreed to a deal with the African nation that would see it get £171,000 per asylum seeker.

Paying For Migrant Fees

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The expenses would be enough to cover “essential items such as food, medical services, education, language training and professional development” for each individual.

Sunak’s Offer to Migrants

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Another report found that Sunak was willing to offer each migrant who voluntarily chose to go to Rwanda a £3000 reward to sweeten the offer.

Sunak’s “Gimmick” Bill

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Labour’s Shadow Paymaster, Jonathan Ashworth, slammed the Rwanda Bill as a “Gimmick” that the Prime Minister uses to get votes ahead of the general election.

Tory Spending Spree On Rwanda

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Ashworth insisted that “This plan, this proposal from the Government is a gimmick costing over half a billion pounds.”

Tories Refuse Election

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The Tories currently trail Labour in the polls, while Sunak refuses to call the election, despite a Labour campaign urging him to “Name the date.”

UN’s Pressure

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The UN’s call out of Sunak’s Rwanda Bill may be the pressure that finally breaks the Prime Minister after two years of pushing.

The post Sunak’s Rwanda Bill Draws International Concern on Human Rights first appeared on Swift Feed.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / ComposedPix.

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