Could Liz Cheney Shake Up the 2024 Presidential Race?

Speculation is rife this week about a potential unexpected late entry into the presidential race by none other than former Rep. Liz Cheney. As Joe Biden and Donald Trump are preparing for a November rematch, Cheney has been hinting at what her next moves may be. Here’s the facts.

Cheney’s Anti-Trump Crusade

After Nikki Haley dropped out of the race, Cheney launched “The Great Task,” a leadership PAC dedicated to stopping Trump in his tracks. While Cheney has hinted at running as an independent candidate, she’s clarified that if this were to help Trump in any way at all, she wouldn’t run. This has left many Democrats wondering if she may endorse Joe Biden for president.

Democrats would welcome an endorsement by Cheney, formerly the chair of the House Republican Conference. This would be a strong statement to Republicans, potentially swaying some on-the-fence voters. However, this would be a huge career move for Cheney, potentially scuppering any future ambitions in the GOP.

Cheney’s Capitol Riot Stand

Cheney was a big voice in the GOP until the January 6 Capitol riots, which caused her to lose faith in the leadership. She has in the past claimed that “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack” and more recently called it the “most serious misconduct” by any President in history.

Cheney was one of 10 Republicans to vote to impeach Trump, leading her to be kicked out of the GOP and go from a rising star to a political target. Since then, Cheney has become a prominent figure in the anti-Trump movement. She participated in a bipartisan panel to investigate January 6 and used her platform to oppose Trump-aligned candidates during the 2022 midterms while endorsing some Democrats. She has also vocally opposed Trump’s claims about the 2020 elections.

Cheney’s recent actions, including releasing a memoir and continuing to criticize Trump, have fueled speculation about potential presidential ambitions. 

Defending Democracy 

While she has not ruled out a White House run, she has constantly spoken about the importance of voting for candidates who defend the Constitution. Despite Cheney’s statements, some Democrats are unsure about her next steps. They’re worried about her role as a potential independent candidate and its impact on Biden’s reelection. 

Both parties are monitoring Cheney’s moves as the campaign for the 2024 elections begins.

A Beacon for Anti-Trump Conservatives?

Democratic pollster Fernand Amandi has said that Cheney should endorse Biden to attract anti-Trump voters who might otherwise support a third-party candidate. However, he did caution that “there could be off-ramps for anti-Trump conservatives swayed by Cheney who might then vote third party, which would be a benefit for Trump, not Biden.”

However, some of Cheney’s Democratic colleagues in the House believe that regardless of who she endorses, her message about defending democracy will resonate with the public.

Rep. Pete Aguilar stated, “She clearly has been a defender of democracy and someone who is sounding the alarm about how dangerous Donald Trump is. I’m comfortable if that’s the role that she occupies.” Similarly, Rep. Jamie Raskin hoped Cheney would reach out to “disaffected and disenchanted Republicans.”

The Cheney Factor

Cheney has not yet announced whether she will endorse Biden in the 2024 election. Despite being a minority within the GOP, Cheney’s actions could sway voters, potentially impacting key states like Arizona and Georgia in a closely contested presidential election.

While Biden has expressed admiration for Cheney, some Republicans, like former Rep. Bradley Byrne, hope she will ultimately support Trump. Byrne stated, “That doesn’t mean she has to agree with President Trump,” explaining “that this is truly a binary choice” between both candidates.

Assessing Cheney’s Influence

Democrats believe there’s room for Cheney in the election, even if she occupies her own lane. Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright suggested that anti-Trump Republicans can contribute to the team “without wearing the same jersey” and cautioned against the unintended consequences of Cheney aligning too closely with Democrats.

Whether she endorses Biden or runs as an independent, Cheney’s decision could have big implications for the 2024 race to the White House. All eyes are on her and the Great Task PAC as people await her next move.

The post Could Liz Cheney Shake Up the 2024 Presidential Race? first appeared on Swift Feed.

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